Simple Search

This page is designed to facilitate the user to search in PtncRNAdb by providing different search terms. This search module allows the user to perform search on any field of PtncRNAdb. It also permits to DISPLAY all the fields or the user selected fields. For more information see HELP page.

Select Fields to be Searched

 Arabidopsis thaliana   Cicer arietinum   Medicago truncatula 
 Oryza sativa Japonica group   Solanum lycopersicum   Zea mays 
 tncRNA type
 tRF-1   tRF-3 (CCA)   tRF-5   other-tRF 
 3'tRH (CCA)   5'tRH   leader-tRF 
 Amino acid and Anti-codons

Select fields to be Displayed (Maximum four fields at a time)

 PtncRNA ID  SRA Accession
 Organism  Tissue
 tncRNA Type  Locus
 Condition  Number of targets
 Modification  Length

© Developed by Dr. Shailesh Laboratory | National Institute of Plant Genome Research (NIPGR), New Delhi, India | DBT