Detailed information

This page of PtRNAdb provides more detailed information about individual tRNA present in the database. Further, by clicking on the isoacceptor or isodecoder name, user can view the consensus based study results of all the tRNAs from the respective plant and isoacceptor/isodecoder.

PtRNAdb ID31464_PtRNAdb
Plant SourceCoffea canephora     |     Phanerogamae -->Dicot
Genome levelNuclear
tRNA IDchr-10.trna23
tRNA locuschr-10 : 20809915 - 20809831 (-)

[NOTE: User can view the results of the consensus based study of all the tRNAs of Met isoacceptor in Coffea_canephora plant by clicking on the isoacceptor]


[NOTE: User can view the results of the consensus based study of all the tRNAs of CAT isodecoder in Coffea_canephora plant by clicking on the isodecoder]

tRNA Sequence
A-Box B-Box
tRNA secondary structure
Upstream sequence (upto 100nt)
Downstream sequence (upto 100nt)
Mature tRNA
Intron Sequence
Intron Position39-49
Infernal Score64.3
HMM Score40.80
Secondary structure Score23.50