<p>This section provides information about the protein and gene name(s) and synonym(s) and about the organism that is the source of the protein sequence.<p><a href='/help/names_and_taxonomy_section' target='_top'>More...</a></p>Detailed information on MDP01164

Description BnaC05g12010D protein
OrganismBrassica napus (Rape)
LineageEukaryota> Viridiplantae> Streptophyta> Embryophyta> Tracheophyta> Spermatophyta> Magnoliopsida> eudicotyledons> Gunneridae> Pentapetalae> rosids> malvids> Brassicales> Brassicaceae> Brassiceae> Brassica.
Grand average of hydropathy-0.825
Instability index56.02
Isoelectric point9.40
Molecular weight41460.54


Annotated function
GO - Cellular Component
nucleus	GO:0005634	IEA:UniProtKB-SubCell
GO - Biological Function
chromatin DNA binding	GO:0031490	IEA:InterPro
transcription coactivator activity	GO:0003713	IEA:InterPro
GO - Biological Process


Binary Interactions

Repeat regions


No. of Repeats|Total Score|Length  |Diagonal| BW-From|   BW-To|   Level
             5|     253.70|      51|      63|      26|      76|       1
   26-   68 (69.33/29.24)	.................LMS.QQNSLHQQPLGTQRSLAGLQQ....PQQQ.....................LLISQTNQ.Q.SVHMLS
   69-  112 (52.49/20.43)	QPTVGLQPthqaahglfLFQ.GQQSHHQQP.....NL..LQQ....DVQQ.....................RL..QSS.........G
  113-  159 (58.82/23.74)	QVTGSLLP......pqnVVD.QQRQLYQ....SQRTLPEM......PSS.......................LVDSTAQmE.SVNGVD
  160-  228 (36.73/12.19)	WQEEVYQK.........IRTiNEKYLAELHDIYQRASAKLEQqyslPQQQrlkefeklkkfkimlermmrfLLISKSN..........
  258-  286 (36.33/11.98)	.....................QQGQLPQ.........PQM.Q....PVKQ.....................Q..SSQNG.NlAINTVD
No. of Repeats|Total Score|Length  |Diagonal| BW-From|   BW-To|   Level
             2|      55.37|      17|      24|     316|     332|       3
  316-  332 (26.34/19.06)	QEGIEELMRIAVSFEEL
  338-  354 (29.03/21.68)	KNQVDYLCRISLKMQSM

Explaination for Stockholm format The "Stockholm" format is a system for marking up features in a multiple alignment. These mark-up annotations are preceded by a 'magic' label, of which there are four types. The Stockholm format is used by HMMER, Pfam, and Belvu. Mark-up lines include any characters except whitespace. Underscore ("_") is used instead of space.

#=GR (seqname) PP (Generic per-Sequence AND per-Column markup, exactly 1 char per column) where PP is Posterior Probability [0-9*], (0=0.00-0.05; 1=0.05-0.15; *=0.95-1.00)

#=GC PP_cons line is Stockholm-format consensus posterior probability annotation for the entire column. It’s calculated simply as the arithmetic mean of the per-residue posterior probabilities in that column. This should prove useful in phylogenetic inference applications, for example, where it’s common to mask away non confidently aligned columns of a multiple alignment. The PP_cons line provides an objective measure of the confidence assigned to each column.

#=GC RF line is Stockholm-format reference coordinate annotation, with an x marking each column that the profile considered to be consensus.

Alignment of MDP01164 with Med15 domain of Kingdom Viridiplantae

Intrinsically Disordered Regions

IDR SequenceStartStop

Molecular Recognition Features

MoRF SequenceStartStop